
Duo Dogs is an active and growing organization! Since our founding in 1981, we have continued to grow in numbers — the people we serve and the dogs that we place, our social and fundraising events throughout the year, and the dozens of puppies that we raise and train for their important work. As a result, volunteers are needed across the organization — from the kennels to the front desk. And as a not-for-profit organization, we need your donations. We invite you to be part of the exciting and rewarding Duo Dogs community!

Who We Help

Duo Dogs is committed to improving lives of our clients through its integrated programs and processes.


Learn more about meaningful volunteer opportunities with Duo at our home office in St. Louis, MO.


Get involved with Duo Dogs! Learn about upcoming events and add them to your calendar.

Puppy Cam

Get a 24/7 view of our puppies doing what they do best just by viewing our live puppy cams!

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Proud partner of United Way Greater St. Louis