Winter Appeal

These are exciting days at Duo Dogs, as we just welcomed our first litter of golden puppies on October 28th! The arrival of puppies is always a reason for celebration, but we feel this bundle of “precious metal” pups is significant and representative of the best of what we do. These golden Duo Dogs will make life better for our clients in tangible and important ways. Whether they will provide joy to sick children and their families, provide assistance to people with special needs in their homes, comfort a child called to testify in court, these dogs (whether they have fur of gold or a heart of gold) will provide a vital service and ask for nothing in return but food, shelter and love.

Our Duo Dogs are highly sought after and badly needed in the St. Louis area. We have a waiting list of 18 months and, while we don’t charge for service dogs, it costs up to $40,000 per dog to provide our gold-standard service dog training. We need your help.

As we string lights, decorate our homes and prepare to sparkle through this holiday season, we hope that you will consider making a gift to Duo. Your support will go directly to training dogs to perform their special kind of magic: Spreading joy, calming nerves, providing practical assistance, and for those who really need it, providing a compassionate listening ear. They are worth their weight in gold and the benefits are real. Please help us to make them available to even more people in need.